07 5426 3700
07 5426 3711
[email protected]
Postal Address
PO Box 258, Lowood, QLD 4311
Mon - Thurs: 8am – 4pm
Fri: 8am – 3pm
It's no secret that defective shower construction costs everyone involved in time, money and reputation, but there is a simple solution that ensures no further re-work or call backs.
For over 20 years Waterstop Streamline has provided Australian builders with a faultless foundation for shower construction in more than half a million bathrooms. Locally owned and manufactured in Queensland, the product solves common problems with shower construction and creates leak-free showers.
The BenefitsWhy Use Waterstop Streamline?Over two decades, more than 500,000 Waterstop Streamline hobs have been fitted in bathrooms across Australia. This offers you peace of mind about the long-term performance of the product. Waterstop Streamline ensures quality and consistency is built into every shower. It is the best way to ensure the job is done right, first time every time. It also provides the most reliable, cost effective, modern looking, fully tiled and screened shower design ever. |
Waterstop Streamline: | Provides a protected connection between the shower screen and the waterproofing membrane, eliminating potential leak points. | Reduces contract labour time and costs. | Speeds installation - less time on site for contractors. |
Eliminates rework. | Eliminates defects. | Gives peace of mind to the builder. | Allows more time for supervisors to be effective. |
Increases available space in the bathroom. | Provides a modern design and appearance. | Meets Australian Standard's requirements. |