waterstop streamline
Products > Truncated Corner Range


Truncated Corner Range Coating

Suitable for corner cubical shower designs with space limitations for screen door opening.

Waterstop Streamline is installed in place of an aerated cement or brick hob, standard angle or recess into slab to provide superior, long-term, waterproof construction with the added benefit of modern appearance.

Sizes (mm)

  • 540 x 650 x 540: 2 x 135° (3 leg) Product code 1000/3
  • 700 x 700 x 700: 2 x 135° (3 leg) Product code 1200/3
  • 900 x 700 x 900: 2 x 135° (3 leg) Product code 1400/3
  • 1000 x 1000:      1 x 135° (2 Leg) Product code 1000/2-135
  • 1200 x 1200:      1 x 135° (2 Leg) Product code 1200/2-135*

These standard sizes can be easily trimmed on site with a hacksaw to suit other size requirements.

Additional details and dimensioned product diagrams are available from our product fact file.

Check out our matching door sill here.

*Increased freight time and/or charges may apply